The Holy Spirit is such a lover of people that when you turn your heart of affection towards Him He shows up Our interaction with the Holy Spirit is everything our hearts cry out for He is the One who reveals Jesus, who reveals Father to us It's the Holy Spirit...
1. Does God ever cause sickness? 2. Does God ever choose not to heal? 3. What was Paul’s thorn in the flesh? Does God ever cause sickness? JC was sleeping in the bottom of the boat in the middle of a life-threatening storm. He was sleeping cos the world He was...
Government of Honour by Paul Manwaring
Jesus will judge nations by their ability to recognize Christ in the least. Winston Churchill said “You can tell the state of a nation by the state of its prisons.” That is what Jesus said, give or take, because He said, “I can tell the state of a nation by how...
Setting the Course of Our Life by Changing Our Self-Talk.
There are four main areas of life where this meditation (self-talk) takes place. 1. Conclusions About Self: Who do we think we are? We can use neither our experience nor our feelings to conclude this. Joel says, “Let the weak say I am strong” (Joel 3:10). We are...
FAITH BLATCHFORD-Is there anything holding you back from stepping into your dreams for 2016?
Dear friends, I have a question for you today: is there anything holding you back from stepping into your dreams for the new year? If we want to have a fulfilling year, we must be brave enough to confront the little issues that seem to hold us back every time we...
KERRY KIRKWOOD – Imagining with God
As a man thinks so he will become! Imagination is a picture and pictures can lead us to our destiny. So as people start seeing themselves as sick, they start seeing those thoughts as truth and it becomes a reality to them. We were created in the image of God and...
“Surrendering Your Senses to the Holy Spirit” James W. Goll
As light and darkness continue to polarize and grow into maturity in the world around us, it is imperative that we learn to discern the spiritual source of the inputs to which we are daily being exposed. This is actually one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit – and...
They are the living dead. They are stuff that happened in the past that were supposed to die a long time ago, but they are still alive and kicking and making trouble and trying to eat you and your money! The wounds gobble up your inheritance. The wounds are there...
FAITH PLAYS A KEY ROLE in our worship to the Lord.
Faith isn't simply mental acceptance of theological ideas, rather it has a physical expression in our actions. Faith is central to worship because without it, we cannot please God. How aware are we that God loves to be loved? He loves your worship and your faith...
Bill Johnson on WORSHIP
Worship is where you give worth to something. It is our expression of worth. Worship is far more than a song that we sing. It's a heartfelt feeling of value to Him. Bible says God is looking for worshippers. Eric was a little baby and was sick with a very high...