Be Encouraged
How to view favor
1. Favor is given as an expression of God’s affection for you. It’s to encourage you! a. We’re all tested by the glory/praise given us. b. You never take favor to build your identity out of how He uses you. 2. Use...
Transforming testimony by Sharon Murphy
Another amazing account is that in early March a team prayed in this area again and this time addressed the prostitution problem that has long persisted less than a mile from the Healing Rooms Offices. A business owner...
Are you in a whirlwind?
I see a whirlwind approaching and some of you are starting to panic. I sense a God reminding you of Psalm 91, that He will cover you with His feathers and under His wing you will take refuge. As the whirlwind reaches...
HEALING IS Our Inheritance!
On April 1, 2015 I had an amazing encounter with the Lord, it lasted all day. When I got home I sat down and wrote about Healing as the Spirit led me. I want to share with you what He gave me. Bless the Lord, O my...
Bill Johnson on supernatural thinking
Prophetic word from Patricia King
Ps 57 Verse 1 My soul takes refuge in You and in the shadow of Your wings I will take refuge until destruction passes by. Noah did not taste of the destruction of the outside because they were in the refuge of the Lord...
Receiving prophecy
Remember with prophecy, when you hear a word being given to someone else and God quickens your heart, you can receive it for yourself.
Bring your heart before the Lord
Many of you are going to be transitioning into major changes soon and that's why it's so important to bring your heart before the Lord and to establish Him as head over your life because there are places you've never...
Don’t get stuck in a sentence in your life
There is an absolute purpose for why you are alive. Some are saying, "I haven't quite arrived yet and others. Are trying to figure out why we even exist. What we need to realize is that each of our life is a story. You...
Can’t remember scripture?
Comforting words from Bill Johnson. He says that your recall of a scripture is not the measure of impact. The measure of impact is because you were exposed to the seed of God. If I were to ask you what you had for...