Be Encouraged


I Hear His Whisper... Stay close to me. Come closer to me. Live close to my heart, my child. I will bring you into the secret place and give you rest. Let nothing trouble you. The enemy is a defeated foe. My presence...

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Fasting is powerful! Moses did it. Esther did it. Jesus did it. The Body of Jesus is doing it. There is POWER IN FASTING. There is power in corporate worship and prayer. If you started fasting, do NOT let up now. If...

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5 Bad Habits in Relationships

1 Corinthians 13 says if we do great things, but treat people poorly, our great things “profit nothing.” The quality of our lives is determined by the depth of love we demonstrate in our relationships. Here are five...

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Bless those who persecute you

Bless those who persecute you. Don't curse them; pray that God will bless them. ROMANS 12:14 Human nature retaliates. If someone wrongs us, we want revenge. But children of God, who have the love of God in their...

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Are your thoughts TRUTH or LIES?

Here is a new game you can play with yourself: TRUTH OR LIE (even teach it to your children and grandchildren) Catch your thoughts and discern if the thought is a "God truth" or a "Devil's lie." If it is a lie, cast it...

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Joyce Meyer 30 May 2018

God has come by the Holy Spirit to live in your spirit. Everything in your deep spirit, the deepest part of you, is all cleaned up, it’s holy. But the soul can give us a problem. And our soul is like the second...

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Recognizing Revelation

“The same way that Jesus became flesh, the Holy Spirit becomes words, and when they are spoken, they bring life.” Most born-again people know what it’s like to be in confusion or trouble and have someone speak a word...

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